An Open Post To Democrats
Don't be sad about the election or the country. I'm a Republican and we are a compassionate people. You wonder why more people voted for Bush than Kerry. You chalk it up to their ignorance... The inability and unwillingness for people to get the facts and choose the better of the two candidates.
It's precisely that elitist attitude that lost the election for your party. To think that you and your party are the only ones that 'get it' and no one else sees the light... To think that only Republicans go to church on Sunday and/or believe in God. This country is not made of blue an red states. For every red state there are many democrats that sit in the same pews and have similar values. The majority of us believe in God and we are all Americans.
You're obviously young and immature. You don't remember when this country was run by a democratically controlled Congress for many years. You don't remember that it was the Democrats who implemented programs that kept the poor people poor and the rich taxed to oblivion. You don't remember during the Jimmy Carter years the rampant inflation where loan interest rates were in the 16% to 18% range. You don't remember we had to wait in lines 3 blocks long to buy gasoline. Perhaps you were not born yet?
The reason the Democratic party is struggling right now is it's a splintered group trying to be all things to all people. You (the party) need to focus on what you stand for... And then stand for it! Do not waiver.
But you also need to realize that George Bush would not have been reelected unless many many Democrats voted for him. And, it was not a result of their ignorance. It was most likely a result of their past experience.
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