Monday, November 22, 2004

New Hampshire eVote Recount O.K.'s Kim Zetter logs her report titled,
Wired News: So Far, Recount Shows No Problem:

"The New Hampshire vote recount requested by independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is still in progress, but preliminary results show no significant changes in the numbers.
Nader requested a recount of a small number of wards, or voting precincts, after Michigan programmer Ida Briggs produced statistical analysis showing that President George Bush received many more votes in some wards than expected. Most of the wards used optical-scan machines made by Diebold Election Systems, which came under scrutiny this year after computer scientists discovered flaws in the company's touch-screen machines." more
I guess if you can't win by popular vote you try to win by statistical extrapolation. What was Ralph thinking?
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